A Christmas Message to America and Others

On Christmas Eve, January 6, 2021, the people of the United States, in their Congress and on the streets, will determine the outcome of the presidential election and their own future.

On the birthday of the Savior, we will find out whether a new world was born with a reborn America, or we have a new world for which America, in its agony, will be a threat and a hindrance for some time.

This is important for all of us.

However, a new world is being born.

It sometimes seems to us that gross apostasy and an attempt to impose an oligarchic dictatorship are a terrible product of our time without precedent in the past. But then we forget about Sodom and Gomorrah, Babylon, Egypt, Ancient Rome and also later empires, which fell one after another, due to their deviation from the Way of salvation.

And this Way, Truth and eternal Life were given to us by the Savior through his incarnation, his teaching and his deeds. Their meaning is also the meaning of our existence. His and our philanthropy, being at the same time love of good and love of justice, is the only way to unite and realize the freedom and creativity of man – the greatest gifts of God and living proof that we are children of God.

The Savior came to fulfill and complete the Law with the greatest double commandment in order to prevent the fall of man by His endless love and sacrifice, and to show man the way to salvation and eternal life, and to eradicate mammonism, paganism and perversity.

Criminals constantly oppose man and God – they encourage hatred, divisions, wars, conflicts and crises of all kinds, murder, greed, theft and deception, media and psychological manipulations, in vain attempts to save themselves from punishment and preserve and expand their power.

But Christ – the Way, Truth and Life, God – Love and the Christ-inspired apostolic community – the commune, remains the eternal and victorious inspiration. Under this sign, we win.

Thanks to technological advances, the oligarchy is now more powerful than ever. And for the first time, the battle between good and evil has became global. And for the first time, the creative, economic, political and military power of the peoples devoted to philanthropy clearly surpassed the power of the world empire – the oligarchic dictatorship. Market fundamentalism and the liberal corrupt, false democracy are inferior to the creative, humanitarian and scientifically based approach: state regulation of the economy in the interests of the people and conciliar democracy.

Members of the oligarchy have become completely criminalized. They are not only mired in forcing America to commit all types of international crimes and to violate the international legal order, but now they are trying with their shamelessness and their money to sink and trample both the Constitution and the laws of the United States. $8.4 billion was invested in the victory of a Democratic candidate in the American presidential election (while the Republican campaign has invested „only“ 4.8 billion), which is more than ever spent on all past elections (for the record in 2012, Democrats and Republicans together spent 6.8 billion). Americans and the world must get rid of the criminals who rule Western finances, government services, the secret societies, corporations and the media. They must do so at any cost, even by outlawing these criminals as terrorists, because it is too dangerous for illegal power to rest in the hands of these villains.

America has a people of great sincerity and enterprise, with great creative achievements. It will be better for America and for the world if she can continue to exist as a great power thanks to the ability and creativity of her people. It is quite possible, and in fact, it is the most likely, because it is in the interests of America, and America has always been able to defend her interests. The oligarchic dictatorship and the role of global bully will lead America to certain defeat, and the people of America to tragedy.

And we, the others, know our Path – the Path of the God-Man and must walk along it joyfully and stronger than ever: humanely, peacefully, creatively. That way, we will help both ourselves and America.

Peace of God between us. Christ was born!

Around Christmas 2021

Vladimir Krsljanin